Utah Medical Massage & Wellness: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Krystal Christensen never thought she’d be an entrepreneur.

“It seemed too uncertain and risky,” she said.

That all changed when she discovered her passion for massage therapy. Soon after, she launched Utah Medical Massage & Wellness.

“Ultimately, I realized I could help more people more effectively by building a company backed by a team of other talented and knowledgeable professionals,” she said.

Utah Medical Massage & Wellness helps customers cope with pain and stress through “complementary alternative medicine” in the form of massage, exercise, and stretch therapy.

For two years, Christensen ran her company alone. Enrolling in the Master of Business Creation (MBC) program at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business is what took her venture to the next level.

“I was successful, but limited in a lot of ways,” she said. “The MBC program promised the business knowledge I was lacking, but it also targeted my favorite aspect of business: creation. It’s helped me grow from a girl with a business to an entrepreneur with potential and further opportunity at my fingertips.”

Every lesson has been relevant to her startup – and helped her expand. Now, in its third year, Utah Medical Massage & Wellness has grown in both size and revenue.

“We have a team of six therapists and three administrators,” Christensen said. “We’ve doubled, then tripled our revenue each year and have generated almost 200 five-star Google Reviews.”

It’s their individualized approach that sets her company apart.

“We take the time to delve into their health history and specific goals,” she said. “We take valid, reliable assessments and curate treatment plans unique to each person, focusing on what matters most to them. We provide outcome-based, results-driven care in a clean, elevated space.”

After graduation, Christensen will continue to fine-tune her processes.

“We hope to implement more educational and training opportunities for our Licensed Massage Therapists and continue to network with others in the medical profession,” she said. “I believe our approach is one that more people are turning to, so there’s a significant need for the services we provide.”

Learn more about Utah Medical Massage & Wellness on their website: utahmedicalmassageandwellness.com

About the Author:

Jacqueline Mumford Jacqueline is a master of accounting graduate from the University of Utah. Specializing in tax, she works as an accountant studying the intersection of government and business. In her free time, she runs, plays Candy Crush, and reads novels. Twitter: @jacqmumford and LinkedIn here.

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